The little cybernetic gadfly popped up as soon as I logged in. “Dave Miller,” it dutifully nagged, “you are now 15 minutes overdue for your appointment with the company fitness consultant.” Right. I clicked the ‘ignore’ button to kill the message and then continued with my morning routine...
SHOWCASE #12, released 11/29/2013, featuring: Special Delivery, by Peter Wood The Cubes, by Taylor Vaughan Rheum, by Parker Lee Caveat Emptor, by Steve Coate Badger & Vole Review: Junk Food Cinema...
SHOWCASE #11, released 11/22/13, featuring the SHOWCASE story index, Rampant Loon Press publications catalog, and the debut of our short-lived “crevasse” web site design. Yes, even our most embarrassing ideas are enshrined for posterity...
SHOWCASE #10, released 11/15/13, featuring: An Indelible Feast, by Alex Shvartsman Stanhope’s Finest, by Natalie J. E. Potts Allegory at Table Seven, by Jarod K. Anderson Badger & Vole Review: THOR: The Dark World...
SHOWCASE #9, released 11/08/13, featuring: Jackie, We Hardly Knew Ye, by Carly Berg Tempora Mutantur, by Anatoly Belilovsky White, by Jennifer Davis Happily Ever After, by Edward Ahern Lessons Learned from the Fifth Attempt to Conquer the World, by Jason Andrew Badger & Vole Review: Ender’s Game...
SHOWCASE #8, released 10/29/13, featuring: Soft Magic, by Paul DesCombaz The All-Seeing Ring, by Kelda Crich The Calling Card, by Eric J. Guignard The Blue Ridge Wreath, by Georgia Ruth Badger & Vole Review: Agents of ...
SHOWCASE #7, released 09/06/13, featuring: Reckoning, by David Steffen Bacco Joe, by K. B. Sluss In Vino Veritas, by Anatoly Belilovsky A Hole, by Jason Armstrong Badger & Vole Review: The World’s End (No, really, this time.)...
SHOWCASE #6, release 08/26/13, featuring: The Storyteller, by Alex Shvartsman Here There Be Monsters? by Robert Lowell Russell Oath, by Guy Stewart Not Taken, by Kit Yona Badger & Vole Review: The World’s End...
SHOWCASE #5, release 7/26/13, featuring: The Piano is a Percussion Instrument, by Maude Larke Timeless Bore, by Peter Wood After the Kaiju Attack, by John Zaharick Space Program, by Lance J. Mushung The Wishing Hour, by Romie Stott Badger & Vole Review: Pacific Rim...
SHOWCASE #4, released 7/12/13, and featuring: A Turning Point, by Michael D. Turner Waste Not, by Rhonda Parrish Full Disclosure, by S. R. Mastrantone The Lost Chapter from Stranger in a Strange Land, by Sean Thomas On writing “The Music Teacher,” by Mark Niemann-Ross Badger & Vole Review: The Wild Wild Lone Ranger  ...
SHOWCASE #3, release 6/28/13, and featuring: The Mission, by Arthur Bangs High Heat, by A. Q. Wagner The Cat’s Tale, by Simon Kewin...
SHOWCASE #2, June 21, 2013, featuring: Elves Are Douchebags, by Robert Lowell Russell The Millionth Soul, by Franziska Louise Muscle the Menhir, by Robert Bagnall The Key, by Joy Bernardo...
SHOWCASE #1, featuring: The Vending Machine, by Sarah L. Byrne Smart Money, by Samuel Marzioli Caught, by A. G. Carpenter Seek Vista, by Gary Cuba Star Trek Into Darkness, Review by Badger & Vole...