Weekly Free Fiction from Rampant Loon Press

Archive for November, 2014

  • Fiction: “Stingray” by Peter Wood

    Nov 3, 14 • Fiction3 Comments
    Fiction: “Stingray” by Peter Wood

    The stingray swam out of the pile of leaves and whipped its barbed tail around Dale’s ankle. Dale dropped the rake and fell into a puddle of salt water. The trouble was, he was hundreds of miles from the ocean...

  • Fiction: “Foundation and Zombies” by Arlan Andrews, Sr.

    Nov 3, 14 • Fiction2 Comments
    Fiction: “Foundation and Zombies” by Arlan Andrews, Sr.

    “Time travelers brought us to our present situation,” Senator Aciedo said loudly, trying to have his voice heard over the muffled roar of screams, grunts and groans echoing through the Capitol building from outside its thick walls. He paused as the chump!-chump!-chump! of AZ-47 decapitation rounds from the Capitol Guards’ guns grumbled loudly...