Tiny sparks in the transvisor gave it life, the inviting warm glow building in the lens hood. The familiar tang of ozone and hot selenium followed, and soon the xerographic plates were clacking through the drum, giving a jerky-but-animated view of something happening at the other end of the wire. Deep in the transvisor...
A mad scientist. An army of zombies. And three plucky kids who just might be able to save the world… The five-star reviewers say...
From the Dept. of Gratuitous Plugs: National Composer Night Out On Thursday, May 14, 2015, composers through-out the United States will be connected physically and virtually in a tapestry of events designed to raise awareness and foster a sense of community for the composers and others who create new music in their area...
The box of copies of STUPEFYING STORIES 1.14 has at last arrived! (Memo to self: specify expedited shipping next time). It’s our first print edition in five years, and my God, the thing actually looks like a real book!...